Friday 29 August 2008

A month on and Studio & Stage has not paid the required £237 into my account, so this site stays put. My solicitors advise me that it is likely Studio & Stage would use this in defence of any court action and have asked me to remove it for the time being. I'm not going to do that. I would rather refrain from taking court action - which would benefit me and no-one else - and prefer to keep this site up as a warning to other potential customers. That's my good deed for the year. Don't expect any more . . .

I am delighted to see that I am not alone in my refusal to be conned by Studio & Stage. I have had a good number of emails of encouragement from people who prefer to remain anonymous (because they have been threatened by Studio & Stage with legal action and other such charmingly quaint customer service offerings). Also, if you look at some of the earlier posts on this blog, you'll see that there are a few comments, also from dissatisfied customers.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that there is also a website in development that is serving exactly the same purpose as this blog - to make sure Studio & Stage don't con anyone else. Check it out at . Great stuff.

What has become very clear is that Studio & Stage HABITUALLY take peoples money and then either supply sub-standard goods or don't supply any goods at all! They also HABITUALLY threaten any customer who has a complaint with either destroying their business, court action or 'a visit'.

It's extraordinary that they seem totally incapable of accepting any blame for anything they have done wrong. Just take a look at the responses to the growing eBay negative feedback. Because they are now unable to post their own negative feedback (which was their old trick) they now create a whole page on their website in which they explain why they are completely in the right and any complaint is a lie. They're as bad as me!

Finally, for now, I see that the votes for Studio & Stage experiences show 50% are 'less than impressed' and 50% say it 'couldn't have been worse'. No-one yet has thought their service was 'OK' or 'couldn't be better'. Mind you, that's only six votes and one is mine! If you haven't voted yet, please do so - it's anonymous.

Hope the readers of this little blog have had a good summer. Unless of course you are part of Studio & Stage in which case I hope you have contracted herpes.